Calabasas Elementary School

Elementary school offers the first level of education in students’ school years. It is designed for children between 6 and 12 years old to acquire 6 grades education before proceeding to the junior high school. Primary or elementary education is very important in preparing children for the future. It is the basic and outright educational foundation on which all other levels of academics are built.
Calabasas elementary school has similar structures and curricular activities just like every other elementary school in Los Angeles County, whether private or public. The public schools are built and equipped by the government and they all have parallel programs across their activities, including admission and teaching methods.
The private elementary schools on the other hand, are founded by individual educationists and they are completely independent in deciding the mode of admission of students, as well as methods of teachings. However, the mission of Calabasas elementary school is to provide an enabling learning tool to encourage self-reliance and creativity on the part of students.
There are highly qualified teachers who are deeply engaged in the development of children education right from the very young age. The school has various programs designed to enhance the understanding of every child and to meet their unique needs. Some elementary schools in Calabasas, particularly private elementary schools, have small classes with an average teacher/student ratio of 1 to 15.
The size of the class gives the teacher the opportunity to understand each of the children much better and to assess his or her progress regularly. The vision of the school is to produce students with a strong educational foundation and the ability to reach the highest level of their academics. There is Calabasas elementary school in every neighborhood and you'll find one near you. The environment is always perfect for children to learn, and with full security measures.


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